Nature's Power of Love
"If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear.”
— Joanna Macy
It feels fitting to begin this blog series with something everyone can relate to: love. We spend our lives exploring its impact, analysing it, and still, love remains a mystery. In the Western world, love may be one of the most overused words and yet the quality we long for most. When absent, love drains meaning from our existence, but in abundance, it has the power to move mountains, inspire miracles, and transform lives.
Take a mother lifting a car to save her child, or an activist chaining herself to a tree to save a forest. Love in its truest form gives us courage beyond ourselves.
As I rebrand my work from Miskayani to ~Medicine Heart, I am called to define what I offer to the world, to explain Andean Medicine, and to share how Nature heals us. Putting it all into words, however, is no easy task.
Describing Andean Medicine in writing is almost like describing love—it goes beyond words.
The medicine I facilitate (or that facilitates me, as I often say) is rooted in the Andean oral tradition, which connects us with Nature Beings for healing and insight that cannot be easily explained. None of what I learned came through books or written definitions. Instead, it was shared with me energetically, passed from my Q’ero teacher, an elder from the high Peruvian Andes, who introduced me to the spirit of Nature. Through him, I felt these energies pour through me like effervescent love, vibrating through my body, sometimes influencing me for months or years, transforming me in ways words can barely capture. Only when I looked back at my life could I fully understand its impact.

I remember returning from Peru once after receiving a rite from my Q’ero mentor, a revered teacher sometimes called the “Dalai Lama of the Andes.” He connected me with a Mountain Spirit whose purpose is to heal the heart. For months afterward, I felt wrapped in a profound love—a love that held me through life’s challenges and still carries me as I share it with others. After years of practicing as a kinesiologist, my journey in Andean Medicine began for personal healing and discovery. Yet as the medicine took root in me, it naturally began attracting clients who sought the same transformative experience, and together we witnessed the blossoming power of Nature’s love.
This love is not an ethereal, fleeting feeling but a grounded, vital presence. When we honor the Earth and go beyond appearances to connect with her, she envelops us in a nurturing, sustaining love. This process is both beautiful and transformative, revealing our authentic hearts and our deeper connection with Mother Earth.
From Pain to Healing: My Story
Let me share a personal story to give context to this journey. I grew up with a mother who struggled to express love and was herself a product of an emotionally repressed generation. Raised in a family where emotions—love, anger, joy—were rarely seen or heard, she found herself unequipped to manage her own pain. During my early years, our family faced civil war in our British colony in Africa. My father went off to fight, leaving us alone, and my mother’s anxiety and fears often boiled over onto me in negative, hurtful ways. I spent the next three decades seeking healing through various Western therapies, psychology, and plant medicine, trying to process my own and my mother’s pain.
When both my parents passed, a wave of unresolved pain surfaced. Although I had done considerable work, much of that pain was still lodged within me, what Andean medicine calls hucha—heavy, stagnant energy. Then something miraculous happened: the spirits of the Andes called me to Peru, and six months later, I was struck by lightning. This experience opened something profound within me, enabling me to hear the voice of Pachamama, the Universe, as she guided me with love and supported me in releasing years of pain.
This wasn’t an intellectual or abstract healing. It was real, visceral, and rooted in practical practices that helped release the dense energies of my ancestry and personal wounds. Over time, the pain dissipated, and I began to see the layers of inherited trauma that I had been carrying. As I connected with these old memories, I gained a sense of peace and a profound lightness in my heart. This journey inspired my clients, who asked to learn these practices, and to my amazement, they experienced similar transformations. (Fortunately, you don’t have to be struck by lightning—just come to one of my sessions!)

The Power of Nature’s Love
Reflecting on 15 years of transformations in myself and those I have guided, I am filled with gratitude for that lightning strike, for my bond with Pachamama, and for the release of ancestral pain. Why focus on love here? Because it is so much more than the superficial understanding or western definition we hold. Nature offers a wealth of healing power that opens up to us unconditionally when we know how to approach it.
With Andean Medicine, we come to understand love as a generative, living energy, cultivated from within through our partnership with nature. We learn to fill our own cups and find fulfillment that comes from deeply connecting with ourselves and all of life. This practice nurtures our emptiness, helping us sustain ourselves and others in a natural, balanced way.
With this grounding, we become forces of love in the world, helping the Earth and her creatures heal. Andean Medicine is a reminder that love isn’t just an ideal or a fleeting feeling—it’s a powerful, sustaining force, rooted in nature, that supports both our healing and the healing of our planet.
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