Who is Pachamama- the Earth?

It always fascinates me that people seem to know who Pachamama is, even though it is a Qechua word. Many words from this ancient language have filtered into our English language eg. Llama is Qechuan.
Most people think she is the Earth, but no Pachamama is not the Earth ...only. She is way more than this - and this is what I discuss in this video.
I also discuss the gifts and benefits she offers those of us, willing to peel back the curtains, to work with her as a deeper level. Let me know in the comments below if you can relate to this, or have any questions.
And if you are curious to peel back the curtain to know more.... then:
Come join me for a live evening, a (free Introductory) Talk and learn more.
Or sign up for the 'Flowering Earth' workshop....
Click here for the latest events on my website
You'll wonder how you ever existed before without her!
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